Chessed Foundation Logo
The Chessed Foundation

The Chessed Foundation was established to benefit the Victorian Jewish community

Organisations seeking funding must apply through the Chessed Foundation website.

All funding applications must be on behalf of an organisation, no individuals will be funded.

The Chessed Foundation board is assisted in its grant funding decisions by an advisory body which includes individuals who have been appointed by the trustees from the broader Jewish community. The aim of including these individuals is to provide a diversity of views and experience in the process of selecting grant recipients.

Grants may be available to assist:

  • Victorian Jewish primary, secondary and tertiary students; by supporting Jewish education and learning activities which are in accordance with the Shulchan Aruch (Code of Jewish Law).
    All Jewish Schools can apply for project funding for programs based on Orthodox learning programs.

  • Jewish welfare organisations

  • The fulfilment of religious needs and traditions, which are in accordance with the Shulchan Aruch.